Workforce Planning

QTA's Industry Workforce Advisor provides the tranpsort and logistics sector with a wide range of workforce planning advice and support services.

Workforce planning can be successful without being complicated.


Why is workforce planning important?

Workforce planning positions businesses to respond to workforce needs now and into the future. It helps businesses think ahead and manage change. Done effectively, it can deliver many benefits and positive outcomes, including:

  • reduced employee turnover
  • attraction of staff to key roles and reduced skills shortages
  • improved identification of staff training and development needs
  • improved efficiency, effectiveness and productivity
  • increased job satisfaction
  • better employee engagement

What we help with

  • Provide advice on Creating a workforce plan for your business.
  • Eligibility for government grants, subsidies, and initiatives.
  • Diversifying your workforce
  • Recruitment and Retention strategies


HR Connect Fund

Support for local businesses

The HR Connect Fund provides funding to small businesses that identify an immediate need for new and innovative Human Resource (HR) solutions to support their business.

Eligible activities

  • Engaging with HR specialists to receive advice and coaching to improve workforce issues.
  • Specialised recruitment strategies or practices to attract and retain underutilised or specific cohorts.
  • New workforce systems or tools that promote human resource support and resources accessible to employees and change the current workforce operations of a business.
  • Other new and innovative approaches that support workforce attraction, retention or participation.

This program is funded by the Department of Youth Justince, Employment, Small Business and Training (DYJESBT) to engage with small to medium business and assist with workforce planning, connecting employers with support to meet their workforce needs. The service is available to members and non-members of QTA and across all industry sectors in Transport and Logistics.

Download the full service information flyer


If you would like the our Industry Workforce Advisor to get in touch to discuss your workforce needs, Click here.



Contact Angela Mottram

Mobile: 0401 712 516
