Update from Transport for NSW
The last three remaining NSW freight friendly COVID-19 testing sites at Yass, Marulan and Ballina will be permanently closed from 11pm this Sunday 6 February. Testing numbers have continued to decline significantly at these sites.
TfNSW would like to thank the freight industry for its support of the testing sites and the patience and respect drivers have shown to the sites staff during a stressful and difficult time for the industry.
The NSW freight friendly sites have been servicing the industry since August 2020 and have carried out over 235,000 tests during this time.
If you are displaying COVID-19 symptoms, you should complete a rapid antigen test (RAT) at home or a PCR test at your local NSW community testing clinic.
Mask wearing, vaccinations, physical distancing, maintaining good hygiene, cleaning workplaces and health surveillance controls remain critical to our ability to reduce the risks of COVID-19. You can access our free online education to support COVID-19 safe freight workers here.
Thank you for your continued work in keeping freight moving across NSW during this time.