Wide Bay Region: Isis Highway upgrade, Biggenden overpass

Source: Department of Transport and Main Roads - Wide Bay Burnett District (21.03.2025)


The Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) will commence construction in the coming weeks to upgrade the Isis Highway at the Biggenden rail overpass.

Work will involve removing the existing timber bridge and constructing an at-grade road at this location to provide a continuous stretch of road on the Isis Highway.

The proposed upgrade will also improve visibility at the Nette Street and Edward Street intersections, making the Isis Highway safer for both local and through traffic, pedestrians and bike riders.

The at-grade road will deliver safety, capacity and efficiency improvements and is funded through the Regional Economic Futures Fund.

During construction, a temporary detour via Saleyards Road, Mary Road and Maryborough-Biggenden Road will be in place to enable the works to be completed as safely and efficiently as possible.  TMR will monitor the performance of the detour route whilst it is in use and will ensure a safe speed limit and appropriate signage is in place to advise motorists of the changed traffic conditions.  Please see detour map link below.

Please note that line marking and signage will be adjusted for the detour period to give priority to the detoured Isis Highway traffic. This will require the temporary reconfiguration of the intersections of Maryborough–Biggenden Road with the Isis Highway, Victoria Street and Mary Street.

Additionally, access to Gooroolba–Biggenden Road will be maintained via Edward Street under traffic control for motorists travelling to Degilbo. Detour signage and barriers will also be in place to allow access to the kindergarten, North Burnett Regional Council works depot and local residents.

It is anticipated that construction will take approximately three months to complete, weather and other conditions permitting. At the completion of the works, the detour will be removed and line marking and signage reinstated to the current arrangement.

Please see link below to the Traffic Guidance Scheme for the project.

For any enquiries, please contact the project team by phone: 1300 728 390 or email: Bundaberg.office@tmr.qld.gov.au