Wide Bay Region: D'Aguilar Highway Upgrade - Public Consultation

Source: Department of Transport and Main Roads (21.01.2025)

The Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) is underway with planning to investigate options for a future upgrade of the D’Aguilar Highway south of Nanango and is seeking feedback from the community.

TMR is investigating options for widening and strengthening a section of the D'Aguilar Highway between south Nanango and South Street in Nanango township, as well as road safety treatments to reduce fatal and serious injury crashes.

Road safety treatments being considered include audio tactile line marking, reflective pavement markers, wide centre lane treatments, installation of roadside barriers, clearing of roadside hazards and intersection upgrades.

TMR is seeking input from the community about local issues and priorities for this section of road. (See information flyer below for further information)

Providing feedback is a quick and easy process and can be done via the TMR online engagement hub at  https://www.yoursay-projects.tmr.qld.gov.au/daguilar-highway-upgrade or by emailing bundaberg.office@tmr.qld.gov.au or by phoning 1300 728 390.

TMR will consider the community input together with technical data when identifying and assessing options for the future upgrade.

There is currently no funding for detailed design work or construction, however the planning phase investigations and community feedback will help build a strong business case for funding consideration.