Western Sydney International Airport Precinct Road Network

Information from NSW Government, Transport for NSW

Transport for NSW invites you take part in our community consultation for the Western Sydney International Airport Precinct Road Network. We would like to know what you think about the proposed road corridors that would support people walking, bikes, cars, buses and freight access to and from the new Western Sydney International Airport Precinct. The consultation is open for your comments until 5pm Tuesday 31 October.  You can have your say now, by taking our survey here. 

About the Precinct Road Network  

Transport has identified seven road corridors to form the Western Sydney International Airport Precinct Roads Network which will cater for cars, public transport, freight, cycling and walking.  

TfNSW are preparing a Strategic Business Case for the Airport Precinct Road Network. This is for identifying future needs and to develop a proposed construction timeline.  Delivery of the road corridors is subject to future investment or funding decisions by the NSW Government and/or the Federal Government. The corridors were identified for priority development following the 2021 release of the State Environmental Planning Policy (SEPP) for the Western Sydney Aerotropolis.

The seven road corridors are:

About the new airportprecinct 

The NSW Government is creating one of Australia’s largest infrastructure and city shaping programs, the 11,200 hectare Western Sydney International Airport Precinct. The precinct will become integral to Greater Sydney and NSW. It will transform the area into a cultural, social and economic hub. Transport for NSW are ensuring that local communities and industries are connected to the precinct by safe, reliable, and integrated public transport and roads. The proposed corridors will support access to the airport, but don't need to be built before the airport opens. 

Community consultation  

We will share your feedback with you and will continue to update and seek your opinion as the project develops. Once Transport has an approved Strategic Business Case, we will commence the concept designs for the first package of the seven corridors and these will also be available for public comment.  Any future impacts to private property are yet to be assessed. Please note that the road corridors are not required to be constructed for the airport opening. 

Have your say before 5pm on Tuesday 31 October  

You can have your say now, by taking our survey here. Additionally, you can join us at one of the community sessions listed below.  

Join us at an in-person community session  

We are combining our in-person community sessions with the Elizabeth Drive project team which currently has the Review of Environmental Factors (REF) out for public consultation.  

Location: In-person at Workers Hubertus Country Club  
Date: Wednesday 11 October 2023  
Time: 5pm to 7pm  
Address: 205 Adams Road, Luddenham, NSW 2745  

Location: In-person at Bringelly Community Centre  
Date: Saturday 21 October 2023  
Time: 10am to 12pm  
Address: 5 Greendale Road, Bringelly NSW 2556    


Join us at an online community session

Location: Online  
Date: Monday 23 October 2023  
Time: 6.30pm to 7.30pm  
Register: Email corridors@transport.nsw.gov.au  


What comes next  

The Have Your Say consultation closes at 5pm on Tuesday 31 October and Transport will publish a consultation report on our website.  
Keep in touch  

If you would like to be kept up-to-date as the Western Sydney International Airport Precinct Road Network progresses, please register your email address to receive the latest information. Please call 1800 837 511 or email corridors@transport.nsw.gov.au