Road Conditions NSW: Closure of Mandagery Creek Bridge, Manildra

Information from Transport for NSW, Freight Branch

Mandagery Creek Bridge at Manildra will be closed for up to ten weekends, starting in August 2023 and due to be complete in mid-2024 (weather permitting). The weekend closures will occur non-consecutively throughout the remaining duration of the project. 

The first closure of Mandagery Creek Bridge will be from 7pm Friday 18 August to 6am Monday 21 August. The bridge will be closed in both directions with a detour via Cudal

Following the first closure weekend, lane width will be reduced from 3.5m to 3m. 

Dates of the planned weekend closures will be advertised at least two weeks in advance.

For more information, please email the Project Team at

Detour route for weekend closures of Mandagery Creek Bridge in Manildra

For the latest traffic information, visit, download the Live Traffic NSW app or call 132 701.