NSW: M7 Motorway nightime road and ramp closures in Hinchinbrook

Source: Transport for NSW (21.01.2025)

As per communications on 9 January 2025, changed traffic conditions will be in place on the M7 Motorway in Hinchinbrook for heavy vehicle operators. The work dates have been updated with works now commencing from Monday 3 to Friday 14 February, weather permitting.

There will be temporary road and ramp closures along the M7 Motorway between Cowpasture and Bernera roads. These works will take place between 9pm Monday evening and 5am Friday morning.

The temporary closure of the M7 Motorway southbound will take place between 11pm and 3am on the following dates:

Any work outside the above listed dates will only require single, northbound and southbound right lane closures.

The detour route for Class 2 vehicles will be via Cowpasture, Hoxton Park, Joadja, and Jedda Roads.

The detour route for Oversize and Overmass (OSOM) operators under notice will be via Camden Valley Way and Cowpasture Road.

Vehicles travelling under a permit must not travel off the approved route listed in their permit unless an updated permit is obtained from the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR).

Temporary road closure and detour 

For the latest traffic information, visit www.livetraffic.com, download the Live Traffic NSW app or call 132 701.