Livestock Industry on Alert - Foot and Mouth Disease, Lumpy Skin Disease and African Swine Fever

The following information is courtesy of the Livestock and Rural Transporters Association of Queensland (LRTAQ)


The livestock industry is on alert for incursions of foot and mouth disease, lumpy skin disease and African swine fever.

An incursion of animal disease would have significant impacts on livestock industries in rural and regional Queensland. This could include immediate closure of live animal and meat export markets, disruption of food supply chains, livestock movement restrictions, destruction of livestock and vaccination.

We expect that the Queensland Police Service (stock squad) will be increasing roadside enforcement activities and checking NVDs.

Here are three actions that livestock transport businesses can do now to prepare:

  1. Ensure that NVDs are completed correctly before a journey commences.
  2. Understand what a National Livestock Industry Standstill means for your business and drivers.
  3. Know the signs of Foot and Mouth Disease and Lumpy Skin Disease. If you suspect an animal is diseased, contact the Emergency Animal Disease Watch Hotline on 1800 675 888 immediately.

For accurate information, please refer to these websites and resources: