How to manage risk for Remote and Isolated Workers
A safety alert issued by Work Health and Safety Queensland where a worker was found deceased after attempting to seek assistance when the vehicle he was travelling in became bogged highlighted the importance of having safety management processes in place to manage risks for remote and isolated workers.
(Info from WHSQ website)
Safety issues
Remote or isolated work is work that separates someone from other people and can make it harder to get help such as rescue, medical assistance, and emergency services. This can be due to location, time, or the nature of the work being done.
In the road freight sector, this includes long haul truck drivers, shift workers, sales representatives, field mechanics and other workers that are working alone and/or in locations where it may be difficult to get help.
Possible control measures to minimise exposure to risk.
For Businesess/PCBUs
If you’re a person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU), you have a duty to, as far as it’s reasonably practicable to:
- put measures in place to protect remote and isolated workers from risk including:
- inspecting your business and reviewing processes — consider the location where the work is being done. For example, think about environmental conditions and distance to facilities and resources. Identify the work and work processes that require workers to be remote or isolated.
- talking to your workers —talk to your workers to get their ideas about potential risks and hazards at work. You could also use a confidential survey, so workers feel safe to report issues and make suggestions. Also think about ways to include workers who are less likely to speak up in a group meeting or who might have language or reading and writing barriers
- considering the worker and any individual factors, like their experience and training, that may affect their ability to work remotely and manage the environment
- reviewing available information —look at:
- if travelling, look at the BOM, and maps
- information from a range of sources and gather ideas about how other places of work are managing remote or isolated work
- movement records — keeping track of workers can help control the risks. This can be done with:
- systems for calling in with supervisors or colleagues
- satellite tracking systems or devices
- make sure workers can communicate effectively and get help if needed
- take into consideration the length of time and time of day workers may be working remotely or isolated
- the type of communication system will depend on the environment and location of the work. In some cases, you might need expert advice or local knowledge to select the best system. Communication systems can include:
- personal security systems, such as non-movement sensors that automatically activate an alarm transmission if the transmitter or transceiver has not moved within a certain time. This alarm should then trigger a process for an emergency response
- radio communication systems
- satellite communication systems
- distress beacons, for example emergency position indication radio beacons (EPIRB) used in ships and boats, emergency locator transmitters (ELT) used in aircraft, and person locator beacons (PLB) for personal use
- mobile phones — in locations which have mobile coverage. If there is any doubt about coverage, you should consult with the provider or have a backup system
- supply the correct equipment for the task e.g. recovery gear if working/travelling off road.
- ensure skills, training and experience of the worker, as well as their physical and psychological health. Workers should be given training before working alone or remotely. Examples of topics to include in training (depending on the work being done) are:
- using communications systems
- administering first aid
- getting help in an emergency
- driving off-road vehicles
- bush survival
- ensure no other persons’ health or safety is put at risk through your business or undertaking. For example, random checks to ensure workers are following procedures. If you identify an issue, address it by, for example, giving the worker more training and start a process to manage performance before implementing these controls.
For workers:
As a worker, you need to consider the risks of remote or isolated work and make sure you can communicate and get help if necessary.
Some steps you can take to stay safe:
- Before you leave, tell someone where you’re going and when you’ll return.
- Make sure you have the right communication equipment you need to stay in touch, for example, a mobile phone, 2-way radio, or satellite phone.
- Take enough water and food.
- Have a call-in system. For example, if you’re working on a farm, arrange to call in via 2-way radio at specific times, or when you move to another location.
- Keep first-aid equipment handy and make sure you know how to use it.
- Make sure you have access to an emergency position-indicating radio beacon (EPIRB) or GPS tracking system.
- Include a list of emergency numbers and property GPS coordinates on a card nearby.
- Have the appropriate recovery gear if travelling off road.
Risks for remote and isolated workers:
- are more vulnerable
- won’t be able to get help in an emergency
- might not receive important information, training, or instructions, or the necessary supervision
- are more likely to suffer psychological distress (such as anxiety, stress, fear, and depression) because of their work, which could lead to an increased risk of serious injury, or suicide. They could, for example, be psychologically affected by:
- the negative impact working away from home can have on family relationships
- feeling excluded and disconnected because of the lack of social, emotional, and practical support from colleagues
- environmental issues, such as drought in the agricultural industry.
- The person conducting the business or undertaking (PCBU) may also not be familiar with the remote-working environment and its potential hazards, which could increase the risk to workers.
Risk management is an ongoing process. Circumstances can change and you need to regularly review the work environment, work processes, equipment, and any other relevant factors to identify any new hazards and risks.
More Information
- How to manage work health and safety risks code of practice 2021 (PDF, 0.65 MB)
- Remote and isolated work
- Remote and isolated work – film
- Managing the work environment and facilities code of practice 2021 (PDF, 0.57 MB)
- Work health and safety consultation, co-operation and co-ordination code of practice 2021 (PDF, 0.49 MB)
- First aid in the workplace code of practice 2021 (PDF, 0.48 MB)
- Remote and isolated work information from Safe Work Australia