Employee Value Proposition | What drives a workforce? - Gallagher
Source: Gallagher, article by Dr James Allen - Director People Experience and Innovation (Extracted from The Wellbeing Advantage)
In today’s employment landscape, salary is no longer the only consideration when it comes to attracting and retaining employees. Employees expect their employers to shape their experience of work through flexibility, career development, workplace culture and recognition.
My team of organisational psychologists have created an Employee Value Proposition (EVP) audit, which you can use to self-assess your current EVP. It’s a quick exercise to start your thinking about your workplace offering. Once you’ve completed it, just drop me an email and we can help you further evaluate and develop your unique purpose and voice.
Assess you EVP
EVP Audit
Questions and considerations to help guide you to better understand your proposition.
What's next?
Gallagher can provide an end-to-end EVP solution or targeted support for wherever you are in your journey. We partner with our clients to research, assess, and design their EVP, implement benefits packages, and create compelling communications to bring it to life.
Our Gallagher purpose
One key area of an EVP is an organisation’s purpose and the people’s connection to it.
Here at Gallagher, we’re proud of our history of integrity and our purpose to help the communities where we live and work. Since March 2020, we’ve worked with Special Olympics Australia to help deliver high-quality coaching and sports experiences to people with intellectual disability/autism right across the country.