Updated NSW Heavy Vehicle Access Policy

Source:  Transport for NSW

Transport for NSW (Transport) has released the updated NSW Heavy Vehicle Access Policy (Policy), a new and updated strategic approach to heavy vehicle access in NSW. 

The Policy sets out a five-year roadmap and actions to optimise access for the safest, most sustainable, and productive heavy vehicles on NSW roads. Access decisions will be informed by technology and data and delivered in collaboration with key partners. 

The updated Policy is one of the immediate actions recommended by the NSW Freight Policy Reform Panel in its recently released Interim Directions Paper.

Download the updated Heavy Vehicle Access Policy


A refreshed Heavy Vehicle Access Policy

Originally released in 2018, the Heavy Vehicle Access Policy was refreshed to ensure Transport remains responsive and agile to:

  • the needs of NSW’s growing population
  • impacts of climate change and net zero emission targets 
  • shifting global trends including the rise of ecommerce
  • increase in innovation, technology and data available for heavy vehicles

Front cover of Heavy Vehicle Access Policy

Policy pillars

The Policy will be delivered under five key Pillars, with 28 actions:

  1. agile and resilient networks
  2. innovative vehicles
  3. streamlined access
  4. telematics and data
  5. strong partnerships


Policy development

The Policy was developed based on extensive research and consultation with freight operators and industry, academia, and all parts of government.

Read the report summarising feedback from consultation on the draft Heavy Vehicle Access Policy completed in May 2024.