Special Transporter-Interim expanded 24/7 operating hours app. to support FNQ

As a result of the impacts of Tropical Cyclone Jasper, this afternoon, the Hon. Meaghan Scanlon MP, Minister for Housing, Local Government and Planning and Minister for Public Works, declared the Tropical Cyclone Jasper event in Far North Queensland (FNQ) an applicable event under section 275E of the Planning Act 2016 (Planning Act).


What does this mean?

From 22 December 2023 and 9 February 2024 inclusive, shops, supermarkets, warehouses and transport depots and other uses directly invovled in the supply of essential goods to areas impacted by TC Jasper, may operate 24 HOURS per day, SEVEN (7) days a week. 


What areas does this apply to?

This applies ONLY to local government areas that have been impacted by the cyclone disaster to ensure the planning framework can respond appropriately and to ensure that FNQ communities are supplied with essential goods.

These provisions were previously used during the COVID-19 pandemic. 


At the end of the stated period, affected businesses will need to adapt back to the conditions of approvals.


Other impacts - Applications for Temporary Use Licences (TUL)

While the applicable event declaration is in effect, applications for a TUL can be made where there is a direct relationship to the cyclone event.

A person may apply to the chief executive of the Department of Housing, Local Government, Planning and Public Works for a TUL, and the department will liaise with the relevant local government prior to deciding the TUL. This provides an opportunity to support temporary solutions for residents and businesses displaced or affected from the cyclone or temporary operations to support clean-up activities.


Departmental Contacts:

The FNQ regional office - (07) 4037 3214 or by email at CairnsSARA@dsdilgp.qld.gov.au.

For enquires related to TULs - TUL@dsdilgp.qld.gov.au.

If you have any questions, please contact Gary on 0418 736 802 or Lisa on 0405 152 952.