Road Conditions: Warrego Highway, Miles - Dogwood Creek Bridge Change of Access and Detour

Information from the Department of Transport & Main Roads Heavy Vehicles Unit

From 1 December 2022 the following mass restrictions for Class 1 OSOM platforms will apply over Dogwood Creek Bridge (west side of Miles), due to structural capacity limitations.

Loads NOT PERMITTED over Dogwood Creek Bridge

Platforms for which the Gross Mass exceeds the limits in the following table are not permitted to travel over Dogwood Creek Bridge: 

Note: up to 28t on a tandem dolly is also permitted with the platform

Approved detour

The following detour will be available for loads exceeding above mass limits.

  • Leichhardt Highway (south) from the Warrego Highway to Roma Condamine Road

  • Roma Condamine Road from Leichhardt Highway to Dulacca South Road

  • Dulacca South Road from Roma Condamine Road to Warrego Highway

  • Warrego Highway from Dulacca South Road to Leichhardt Highway (north)

Class 1 OSOM platform combinations not exceeding the above mass limits

  • must travel on the centreline of the bridge at safe operating speed (typically 30-40km/hour)
  • must be escorted by a minimum of
    • One Level 2 Escort OR one QPS Escort in front of the combination to hold oncoming vehicles
    • One Level 1 Pilot at the rear of the combination to ensure no other heavy vehicles are within 50m of the load as it crosses the structure
  • additional pilot/escorts as required for general travel on the permit must be complied with
  • unloaded platforms may travel in lane when safe to do so.

Existing permit holders

Operators with current permits that comply with the above listed mass limits

  • must check the Conditions of Operations database prior to travel and comply with all permit travel conditions within the database and on the existing permit

Operators with current permits that do not comply with the above listed mass limits

  • will be issued with a letter of variation authorising use of the detour route listed above
  • must use the letter of variation in conjunction with a current permit and be able to produce to an authorised officer upon request
  • must check the Conditions of Operations database prior to travel
  • must scope the detour route prior to travel
  • must submit a new application with masses that comply with the above mass limits table if the detour is not suitable.

New applications

New applications for Class 1 OSOM loaded platforms with 8 or more axles that comply with the above listed mass limits for travel across Dogwood Creek must include a completed F4846 Load Mass Declaration form, including the following additional information:

  • the registration numbers of all modules making up the platform
  • calculation of the total Tare Mass of the platform
  • the total loaded platform mass (includes mass of indivisible load plus Tare Mass of platform).

This information will provide TMR with a better understanding of the actual loading the structure is being subjected to, and will assist with the monitoring and overall management of the structure.

New applications for Class 1 OSOM loaded platforms with 8 or more axles that do not comply with the above listed mass limits must request access utilising the provided detour. Access over Dogwood Creek bridge will not be approved above the listed mass limits. 

Should you have any specific access concerns about current and/or future Class 1 OSOM movements please contact the Heavy Vehicle Access team directly by phone 07 3066 5511 or email


It is your responsibility to make sure you're using up-to-date information when you assess the suitability of your route.

You must check the Conditions of Operation Database before you start your journey.

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