Road Conditions Update-WBay/Burnett-Bruce Highway between Fleming Road and Vantage Road in Chatsworth, north of Gympie
TMR will soon begin works to rehabilitate a 2.7 kilometre stretch of pavement on the Bruce Highway between Fleming Road and Vantage Road in Chatsworth, north of Gympie.
Works will occur at night between 6.00pm and 6.00am, Sunday to Thursday to minimise disruptions to motorists as much as possible.
Works are scheduled to commence next week and will take approximately four months to complete, weather and other conditions permitting. Local residents may experience some temporary access restrictions, noise and dust impacts during construction.
Please see file attached an information flyer providing further details.
If you would like more information about the project, please contact the communications team in Bundaberg on 1300 728 390 during business hours or email