Road Conditions Update: Qld-Bunya Highway and Chinchilla-Wondai Road intersection upgrade to commence in May
Bunya Highway and Chinchilla-Wondai Road intersection upgrade to commence in May.
TMR will commence construction to improve the Bunya Highway and Chinchilla-Wondai Road intersection south of Tingoora, which involves:
• widening and re-sealing the Bunya Highway and Chinchilla-Wondai Road intersection
• adding right and left turn lanes into Chinchilla-Wondai Road.
Construction is expected to start in the coming weeks and take two to three months to complete, weather and conditions permitting.
Free call: 1300 728 390
Post: Department of Transport and Main Roads
Southern Queensland Region
Locked Bag 486
Bundaberg Qld 4670
The project will improve road safety by reducing the risk of high speed crashes, and improve traffic flow by removing slower turning traffic from the through traffic lanes.
TMR wishes to thank the local community for its patience and support while this important safety upgrade is undertaken.
Construction impacts
Works will be undertaken Monday to Friday from 6am to 6pm. Some periodic work outside of these hours may be required.
During the works motorists may experience some delays and are reminded to observe all warning and traffic control signage when approaching the works site and be aware of changed conditions.