Road Conditions: Gore Highway, Kilbronae - Wyaga Creek Bridge, Lane closure and bridge works
Information from Department of Transport and Main Roads, Heavy Vehicles Unit
From 25 May until 30 June 2024, weather permitting, bridge construction works will commence on the Wyaga Creek Bridge on the Gore Highway at Kilbronae.
The works will be carried out between 6.00am and 6.00pm, Monday to Friday with a reduced speed limit of 40km/h and 60km/h outside of these hours.
Vehicles with loads greater than 6m wide will only be permitted to travel through the site between 6.00pm and 6.00am.
Majority of the roadworks will be constructed off-road to not interrupt traffic. However, there will be single lane closures on the Gore Highway to facilitate works. Traffic control signs will be erected to direct traffic through the works and delays will be kept to a maximum of 15 minutes wherever safely possible.
Additional temporary restrictions will be advised via QLDTraffic.
For all enquiries, please email or call 07 4639 0777 during business hours.
TMR are continuously monitoring, assessing and reviewing our roads, bridges and culverts across Queensland. Conditions can change quickly, particularly due to weather. Restrictions are implemented to maintain ongoing safety for all road users.
It is your responsibility to make sure you're using up-to-date information when you assess the suitability of your route.
You must check the Conditions of Operation Database before you start your journey.
Visit the QLDTraffic website, download the app or call 13 19 40 to report an incident or get real-time traffic reports.