Road conditions FNQ: Captain Cook Highway, Palm Cove

The Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) will start works to install wide centre line treatment on the Captain Cook Highway between Palm Cove Boulevard and Buchan Street in early 2023. The works are part of a $21.67 million program of safety upgrades on the Captain Cook Highway between Florence Street and Buchan Street.

To allow for the wide centre line treatment, TMR will remove some trees and other vegetation from the road reserve from 30 November 2022. The vegetation removal will be kept to a minimum and only carried out where necessary for safety and to accommodate the wide centre line treatment. These works are carried out during the day and are expected to take three weeks, weather permitting.

Changed traffic conditions will be in place during these works, including single-lane closures between 9am and 3pm and a reduced speed limit. Nearby residents may experience noise associated with the works, such as the sound of trucks, light machinery and vibrations while the work is carried out. The contractor will take all reasonable and practicable actions to minimise impacts. Variable Message Signs (VMS) will be in place to inform road users about the changed traffic conditions.

The wide centre line treatment works in early 2023 will be carried out as a combination of day and night works. Night works will be necessary to minimise the impacts on traffic on the Captain Cook Highway. TMR understands that night works will impact nearby residents and will limit night works as much as possible. I will provide an update about these works early next year.

If you require further information, please don't hesitate to contact or on 4045 7326.