Road Conditions CQ: Gladstone - Mount Larcom Road, Calliope River and Anabranch bridges - OSOM trial

Source: Department of Transport and Main Roads, Heavy Vehicles Unit (2.12.2024)

The Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) will commence a trial period permitting access for approved Over Size Over Mass (OSOM) vehicle movements on Gladstone–Mt Larcom Road at the Calliope River and Anabranch bridges. 

Any vehicles currently restricted will need to register an expression of interest (EOI) in the trial via EOI - Calliope OSOM trial.

EOI’s can be lodged from today, Monday 2 December 2024.

This will give TMR the opportunity to engage with companies/operators to discuss the parameters and processes related to the trial, and outline requirements for compliance. 

Access over Calliope River and Anabranch bridges will be allowed under permit with set conditions to ensure the continued integrity and safety of the structures. Equipment has been installed to support the live monitoring of all approved loads taking part in the trial to facilitate compliance and safety.

 When registering for the trial, operators will need to provide a description of loads and/or combinations to be moved as part of the trial and TMR will provide the information/criteria to be met to submit with your permit application to the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR). This information will be provided once an EOI is lodged.

At any time during the trial, should it be determined the risk of continuing becomes unacceptable, the trial will cease immediately. 

Operating conditions

Class 1 OSOM 
For low loader vehicles with gross combination mass (GCM) exceeding 78t up to 102t must apply for a special assessment through the permit application process.

OSOM platform vehicles up to GCM 198t, up to 10 axles and 15t per trailer axle row must apply for a special assessment through the permit application process. Any platforms exceeding above are prohibited from crossing Calliope River and Anabranch bridges.

At any time during the trial, should it be determined the risk of continuing becomes unacceptable, the trial will cease immediately. 

If companies fail to follow strict conditions, permits will be revoked.

Alternative Routes

Loads that do not meet the criteria under the trial are to continue using the existing OSOM access via:

  • Gladstone Port Access Road, Gladstone-Mt Larcom Road, Red Rover Road, Dawson Highway, Bruce Highway
  • Lord Street, Gladstone-Mt Larcom Road, Red Rover Road, Dawson Highway, Bruce Highway.


Check your route before you start your journey

We are continuously monitoring, assessing and reviewing our roads, bridges and culverts across Queensland. Conditions can change quickly, particularly due to weather. Restrictions are implemented to maintain ongoing safety for all road users.

It is your responsibility to make sure you're using up-to-date information when you assess the suitability of your route.

You must check the Conditions of Operation Database before you start your journey.

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