NSW Traffic Alert:Changed traffic conditions on the M1 Princes Motorway, Mount Ousley Road and Picton Road

Source: Transport for NSW (14.02.25)


Changed traffic conditions will be in place on the M1 Princes Motorway, Picton Road and Mount Ousley Road in the coming weeks for scheduled maintenance and work on the Mount Ousley interchange project.

Multiple night closures of the M1 Princes Motorway, Picton Road and Mount Ousley Road will occur, between 8pm and 4am on:

  • Sunday 23 February
  • Sunday 9 March

Detours will be in place via Memorial Drive and Bulli Pass for vehicles up to 19 metres and/or 50.5 tonnes. 

These detours are not suitable for any OSOM vehicle or any vehicle exceeding 19 metres and/or 50.5 tonnes. Operators of these vehicles are advised to delay their journey as no alternative detour is available. 

Detour Map

For the latest traffic information, visit www.livetraffic.com, download the Live Traffic NSW app or call 132 701.