Media Release - HVNL Review - An Administrative Review
HVNL Review - An Administrative Review
QTA CEO has written to Association Members today about the frustration of seven years of reviewing the National Heavy Vehicle Law.
"After 7 years of a laboured process that is badged as a review of the Heavy Vehicle National Law, I wish I could say that the future law is reflecting a substantial change in outlook by Government in productivity enhancing policies and reforms. Disappointingly, it reflects, if anything, an administrative update that continues to constrict and constrain productivity growth not boost it. What we need from our political leaders is a strong and open priority for freight productivity growth, along with boosting industry competitiveness. Opening up access and cutting red-tape is the starting point." he says.
The cut through narrative of 20 odd years ago that "a country cannot re-distribute what its economy does not produce" is rarely featured, and particularly not in any dialogue about reforming the future of the road freight industry over the next 20 years. For a country whose population relies on road freight as a critical service, and will for years to come, this poses major concerns.
Our nation relies on road freight to sustain our lifestyles and support our sparsely populated regional communities. Improving the national road freight network to provide at least one all weather corridor will make safer, more efficient connections, and will accelerate the investment in higher productivity vehicle combinations. This will also be critical as the industry starts to benchmark for ESG reporting towards lowering emission targets.
With an ever increasing road freight task, we need to move that freight in the safest and most efficient way, and Australia has a comparitive advantage in the market that is currently significantly underutilised.
The Federal Government has announced it is 'turbocharging' renewables manufacturing and adoption. While many might agree that this is well placed investment, along with the State Government, they must also make the progressive decision to invest in this infrastructure and the high productivity vehicles that underpin the delivery of the projects if we are to climb the Global Competitiveness Index.
Road freight contributes significantly to our GDP at 8.6% and is a major employer. Australia's freight task is well in excess of 750 billion tonne kilometres and will grow another 26% in the next 5 years.
Here in Queensland, road freight carries in excess of 300kg for every man, woman and child every day.
These critical investments are an economic energiser, boost safety and efficiency and will bring much needed congestion relief for the State and the country.
"The lack of progress on pro-productivity policies of the last decade is constraining the industry and this has to change. It requires a step back from a defensive legislative posture. Policies need to reflect more contemporary legislation with forward looking productivity in mind. Policies need aspiring spirit and intent to set the tone for a stronger economic future. This is critical to acheive genuine reform. The time is now. "
The QTA will continue to pursue reform that is reflective of legislation that will inspire and encourage investment, and lead the industry into a safe, sustainable and profitable future.
Media Contact: Gary Mahon - 0418 736 802.