Linkfield Road Overpass, Bald Hills - Open to all vehicles

Information from Department of Transport & Main Roads, Heavy Vehicle Unit

The Linkfield Road overpass at Bald Hills will reopen to all traffic, including heavy vehicles, from 5am Wednesday 21 September 2022.

Restrictions were implemented on Thursday 1 September 2022 after the overpass was damaged by a strike from a high load.

Scaffolding used for safe access during the repair works will be removed at night during next week (from 26 September), requiring lane closures on Gympie Arterial Road.

We apologise for any inconvenience and delays experienced by road users however safety is our number one priority.

We are continuously monitoring, assessing and reviewing our roads, bridges and culverts across Queensland. Conditions can change quickly, particularly due to weather. Restrictions are implemented to maintain ongoing safety for all road users.

It is your responsibility to make sure you're using up-to-date information when you assess the suitability of your route.

You must check the Conditions of Operation Database before you start your journey.

Visit the QLDTraffic website, download the app or call 13 19 40 to report an incident or get real-time traffic reports.