Have your Say - Bruce Highway Western Alternative

Would you prefer a smoother, less congested journey on the Bruce Highway between Brisbane and Beerburrum to get business done or visit one of Queensland's amazing destinations? 

Have your say now on a new transport corridor which will provide an alternative route to the Bruce Highway. Planning and community consultation for the Bruce Highway Western Alternative corridor is underway to identify land that needs to be protected for the future motorway.

The future road will help alleviate congestion and accommodate future growth. It will be approximately 60 kilometres long and will connect Steve Irwin Way, Beerburrum with the north Brisbane area.

The alignment for Stage 1 from Moodlu to Moorina has been confirmed. Stage 2 consultation is underway now for the road alignment south of Caboolture West, from Moorina to Narangba. You are invited to complete a short online survey to provide your feedback.

Consultation for Stage 2 closes Friday 2nd September 2022.  Click to view the options and have your say


Phone: 1800 955 799 (project hotline)

Email:   NCR_Planning_Comms@tmr.qld.gov.au