FNQ-Temporary Permit Arrangement | PBS Level 2B Access to the approved B-double network from Mount Garnet to Walkamin Vehicle Inspection Site

FNQ-Temporary Permit Arrangement | PBS Level 2B Access to the approved B-double network from Mount Garnet to Walkamin Vehicle Inspection Site

Further to our advice to you on Monday 18 December (Issue 75), please find an update from TMR on newly approved permit access for PBS Level 2 heavy vehicles into FNQ while the Palmerston Highway is restored to B-Double access.

Please continue to respect speed limits and drive to conditions, and stay alert to roadside workers who are performing clean up and remediation works in the region.

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to get in touch with Gary on 0418 736 802 or call the QTA office on 07 3394 4388.

QTA Team


Advice from TMR Heavy Vehicles Unit 21/12/2023

Temporary Permit Arrangement | PBS Level 2B Access to the approved B-double network from Mount Garnet to Walkamin Vehicle Inspection Site

From 2 January 2024, TMR will accept permit applications for approved PBS Level 2B heavy vehicle combinations up to 30m long and up to a gross combination mass of 79.5t between Mount Garnet and the Walkamin vehicle inspection site.

This is for a temporary period while the Palmerston Highway is restored to B-double access.

Applications will be accepted for the route from Mount Garnett to the Walkamin vehicle inspection site utilising the current approved 25/26m B-double network: Kennedy Highway, East Evelyn Road, Millaa Millaa Malanda Road, Marks Lane, Tinaroo Falls Dam Road, Tolga Kairi Road and Kennedy Highway.

For operators seeking a permit, please apply through the NHVR Portal


Operational Conditions

The storage of trailers and converter dollies

TMR requires operators to safely park trailers and converter dollies in the vicinity of the inspection site. Operators are to ensure a safe heavy vehicle thoroughfare through the site, and appropriate clearance is maintained within the vicinity of the concrete weigh pad to allow for continuous compliance activities.

Approved PBS combination that will be accepted are as follows:

  • PBS Level 2B A-double up to 30m long and a gross combination mass of 79.5t
  • PBS Level 2B Quad Quad B-doubles up to 30m long and a gross combination mass of 72t


We are continuously monitoring, assessing and reviewing our roads, bridges and culverts across Queensland. Conditions can change quickly, particularly due to weather. Restrictions are implemented to maintain ongoing safety for all road users.

It is your responsibility to make sure you're using up-to-date information when you assess the suitability of your route.

Visit the QLDTraffic website, download the app or call 13 19 40 to report an incident or get real-time traffic reports.

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