Cunninghams Gap Reconstruction Project

Information from Department of Transport & Main Roads, Heavy Vehicles Unit

The Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) will commence construction this month on the Cunninghams Gap Reconstruction Project. The work will involve restoring the Cunningham Highway back to pre-bushfire functionality and installing rockfall protection (barriers and fencing) for motorist safety.

This reconstruction project will feature around 1.4 kilometres of continuous rockfall protection and an 11-metre high rockfall catch fence. To make optimum use of the available road corridor space, catch fences will be built close to the upslope rockface and create a safety barrier or shield against falling debris.

Initial works will involve rock-scaling activities to remove unstable material from the slopes above the highway. Specialist teams will use a variety of methods to assess, stabilise or remove boulders and other hazards at a high risk of falling. It is likely that some hazards will not be able to be pinned in place and will require scaling, which at times require controlled rockfalls that could reach the road. This means there will be periods where the highway will need to be temporarily closed to create an exclusion zone for safety. This is essential to keep road users at a safe distance away from the potential rockfall path and allow for road clean up.

Traffic changes

Significant temporary traffic changes will be required during reconstruction activities for the safety of motorists and workers. Temporary road closures will be communicated well in advance through electronic roadside signage on the highway, QLDTraffic (, project updates and social media.
Phone 13 19 40, visit the QLDTraffic website or download the QLDTraffic app for the latest road condition information.

Current heavy vehicle restrictions apply through Cunninghams Gap, however further restrictions will be required in early 2023. You must check the Conditions of Operation Database before you start your journey.

Key features of Cunninghams Gap Reconstruction Project

View the flythrough video of the design of the Cunninghams Gap Reconstruction Project. This video is an indicative demonstration and is available for informational and educational purposes only. Key design features include:

  • 1.4km of continuous rockfall protection
  • 11m high rockfall catch fence
  • reinstating the left (slow) lane
  • installing slope monitoring cameras
  • relocating the pedestrian crossing.


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