First on Scene HV Driver Remote Incident Training - Brisbane West

8:00am Saturday, 27 May 2023
12:00pm Saturday, 27 May 2023
Carole Park (Daryl Dickenson Transport Depot)
23 Argon Street
Carole Park, Queensland 4300

The Queensland Trucking Association is facilitating First on Scene Remote Incident Training around Queensland for truck drivers to increase their level of knowledge on how to manage a road crash in rural and remote areas when arriving first on scene.

Who is the training for?

Heavy vehicle drivers who:

  • travel on rural and remote roads in Queensland.
  • want to increase skills, knowledge and capability to safely manage a vehicle accident

(Training for individuals or in employer groups - minimum 15 participants)

What is included?

  • Immediate Safety and Scene Considerations and awareness (including Powerline Safety, Dangerous Goods awareness) 
  • Accident Location and Communication tools and strategies
  • Specialist road crash accident and management awareness including:
    - Emergency First Aid Response instruction
    - Stop the Bleed instruction
  • Certificate of Completion

Time Commitment

The First on Scene Remote Incident Training will be a half day session. 

Delivery - Dates - Locations

Training delivery will be held face-to-face in locations around South East Queensland and Regional Queensland.

Additional dates and locations will available once venues and locations are confirmed.


Why this training?

of regional and remote truck drivers have been first on scene accident respondents
of truck drivers forst on scene to an accident are required to provide assistance for up to 1 hour before emergency services arrive


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